Your Brain at Work by David Rock, 2009


Your Brain at Work by David Rock, 2009.

Abstract (from video about)

In his new book Your Brain at Work, coach David Rock depicts the story of two people over one day at the office, and what’s happening in their brains that makes it so hard to focus …

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The Myth of the Genius Programmer by Brian Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman, 2009


The Myth of the Genius Programmer by Brian Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman, 2009.

Abstract (from video about)

A pervasive elitism hovers in the background of collaborative software development: everyone secretly wants to be seen as a genius. In this talk, we discuss how to avoid this trap and gracefully …

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Programming Style & Your Brain by Douglas Crockford, 2011


Programming Style & Your Brain by Douglas Crockford, 2011.

Abstract (from video about)

In this keynote talk from YUIConf 2011, Yahoo! JavaScript architect Douglas Crockford drops some science to explain why code style is important in programming – particularly in JavaScript – and how tools like JSLint can help …

Personnal opinion

A …

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Vim Tutorial Videos by Derek Wyatt, 2009-2010


Vim Tutorial Videos by Derek Wyatt, 2009-2010.

Abstract (from webpage introduction)

In these videos we cover the basics. If you’re just getting started or think you may be missing some of the basic ideas behind Vim, these videos are for you. They’re hosted at Vimeo but you …

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Internet libre, ou Minitel 2.0 ? par Benjamin Bayart, 2007


Internet libre, ou Minitel 2.0 ? par Benjamin Bayart, 2007.

Résumé (issu de la présentation de a vidéo)

Cette conférence fait le parallèle, sur quelques aspects (politique, économique, technique, etc) entre les réseaux « ancien style », par exemple le Minitel en France, et Internet.

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Les nouvelles technologies : révolution culturelle et cognitive par Michel Serres, 2007


Les nouvelles technologies : révolution culturelle et cognitive par Michel Serres, 2007.

Résumé (issu de la présentation de la vidéo)

« Les nouvelles technologies nous ont condamnés à devenir intelligents ! ». C’est ce que postule Michel Serres…

Le 11 décembre 2007, à l’occasion des 40 ans de l’INRIA, Michel …

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